Keeper's Curse & Byte Size Studios Website Launch!
Welcome to the Byte Size Studios website, and our first official blog post! We are a small indie game studio based in the Niagara Region dedicated to making short, bite-sized experiences that are fun and engaging. We are currently working on our first game, Keeper’s Curse, and we are excited to share our progress with you each and every week!
Keeper’s Curse
The first game we are working on is titled “Keeper’s Curse”. It’s a third-person arcade shooter where you play as Casey Trench, a scuba diver who finds himself stranded on the eerie shores of a mysterious island. The island is home to a variety of cursed creatures, and it’s up to Casey to power on the 3 Generators scattered across the island in order to power up the lighthouse and signal for his rescue. The game is currently entering the latter half of development, and we are excited to share more about it in the coming weeks!
Byte Size Studios Website
This website will be the hub for all things Byte Size Studios. Here you will find information about our games, our team, and our development process! The site is also home to our Blog, where different members of the team will give you sneak peaks behind-the-scenes to show how we make our games and run our day-to-day operations each and every week 🙂
I created the website in a way that is super easy to navigate as a user, and super easy for us to maintain as developers. This flexible approach to web design allows us to focus more of our time on the important stuff (like making games!). There’s also degrees of interactivity, so we can get valuable feedback from our community and involve you all in our design process.
For this week’s poll, we want to know what you think of the website! Let us know in the poll below, and feel free to leave any feedback in the comments section at the bottom of the page. We are always looking for ways to improve, and we would love to hear from you!
Closing Thoughts
As mentioned earlier, we will be posting regular updates about our current projects and any other news we have to share on a weekly basis. Each post will be written by a different member on our team, so check back each week if you wanna stay up-to-date on all things Byte Size Studios!