Keeper's Curse Events

April 15, 2024 by Carlos Rojas

Now that Keeper’s Curse is nearing release, we have been showcasing the game at various events to get feedback from players and industry professionals. In this blog post, I will be sharing our experiences showcasing the game so far and what is to come!


Keeper's Curse Game Mechanics

March 18, 2024 by Dylan Loro

Hello and welcome to another Keeper’s Curse blog post! This week, we are going to share some insights into our core mechanics and dive into how we make things work at Byte Size Studios. Our programming team consists of four individuals; Carson Kompon, Amber Lemon, Russell Wyatt and myself, Dylan Loro. We are all very excited to show you our work, so let’s dive on in!


Keeper's Curse Character Designs

March 4, 2024 by Niko Vargas

For this week we are going to share a little bit about our experience while designing and creating our amazing characters. For Keeper’s Curse, we decided that we wanted a toon style, while giving it a spooky vibe creating a mix that could be enjoyable for most players.


Keeper's Curse & Byte Size Studios Website Launch!

February 26, 2024 by Carson Kompon

Welcome to the Byte Size Studios website, and our first official blog post! We are a small indie game studio based in the Niagara Region dedicated to making short, bite-sized experiences that are fun and engaging. We are currently working on our first game, Keeper’s Curse, and we are excited to share our progress with you each and every week!